At Family Medicine Center we strive to provide care that meets your need, and is convenient. We provide same day appointments as needed basis. We are able to see all members of your family, including children and adults, making multiple doctor visits around town unnecessary. X-ray, EKG and blood draws are all performed within a block. We handle a wide spectrum of medical concerns; from the common cold to diabetes and heart disease (see Medical Services). Our provider also provides regular preventive care visits such as annual physicals and pap smears.
Our practice is geared towards prevention and patient education. Our mission is to promote health of our patients by providing high quality, comprehensive and personalized care. Our physician is board certified in Family Practice, which means that you will get up to date, knowledgeable care for just about any medical concern you may have. Our Family Physician provides care to all age groups, and is adept at coordinating your care if you see multiple specialists or have acute medical conditions. Depending on your individual situation, our team can help you find the right specialist, set you up for diagnostic testing, and coordinate various treatment plans. We believe in treating the whole person, not just a disease. Our physician is privileged at Overlake Hospital Medical Center.